
gathering posts

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Sairen frowned. "I was afraid that was the case." he sighed, his ears folded back as he blinked out at the gathered cats, watching them walk tensely among one another. He hated to see the regions decided like this. They had never been friends, but when everyone was suffering, Sairen liked to think if they banned together, everyone would be alright, but everything was just getting worse and that little hope was gone. Now the tom was simply praying they could avoid war.

"I am afraid to think they are true." he looked up at the older tom, finding it both comforting and terrifying that the tom was just as worried as he was. "We have managed to hold on thus far, but if we just abandon the rules, I fear we will brake down entirely." he spoke relatively bluntly. He had not shared his worries with any other in his clan, not even his adviser whom he was hoping could be a bright spirit in these dark times. "The only way this situation could get any worse is war, and I don't want that." making decisions on his own had been hard enough, making battle plans was something he hadn't learned, and hoped he would never have to. The young tom had never seen war. He had never seen death and the very thought sent shivers down his spine.
Sairen trotted into the clearing, his ears catching the faint sounds of whispered rumors. He did not particularly like rumors, prey stealing was a serious offence, especially when all regions were suffering. There was no real debate about whether they had done it or not, as far as Sairen was concerned, the west and east regions had stolen the prey, of course they had. Who else would? They were starving, but they were all starving, stealing prey from one region would only make the situation worse, though Sairen wasn't sure if he could blame them. If his region was homeless, with no were to look, he wasn't so sure if he wouldn't do what he had to in order to make sure they survived.

The tom shook his head, trying to clear it of such thoughts. Stealing was wrong, even if they had a reason, they were only hurting his clan, and the young leader could not stand for that. The silver tabby walked among the mingling cats, noting how the east and westners were sticking close by each other. He caught wary glances sent in his direction and felt a pang of guilt. He had sent them here. Sairen hadn't wanted to, but he had to think of his region over the others. The young tom swallowed hard, keeping his eyes forward as he tried to ignore the remarks he caught in passing. He caught sight of the north region leader, looking just as irritated and worried as Sarien felt. He made his way in the leader's direction, deciding they were both in the same boat and perhaps talking with the tom could ease his worried mind. "How is everything?" He mewed, torn between confident and intimidated. He was the youngest leader, and talking to the other leaders still seemed a bit out of place for him, though because of the recent tragedies, he didn't feel the need to be worried about embarrassing himself. Far worse things could happen.

Sairen decided to keep comment about two regions not even having a home, to himself. That was sure to start something, which would most definitely be counter productive, so he kept his trap shut and focused on Glenda instead. "Water has been pretty scarce, but we are getting by," HE smiled, trying to put the whole situation behind them. "The rain from the east region has flooded the river on that side, so we have plenty of water there." he didn't mention how getting it back to camp was an elaborate song and dance, but they were doing alright. He hated to admit it, even to himself, but the south region was doing better without having to support twice as many cats.

"enough about this." he purred, wanting to settle on a safe topic. "How are you Glenda?" he smiled, hoping a change in topic would settle them all down and keep prying ears uninterested. He didn't want any more interuptions, and the bickering with Iorek had been a close enough call to keep the tom on his toes. They could talk about news with the announcements, right now he wanted to hear about his friend.
Sairen's smile faded, back to reality and no more lingering on good times. However, he tried to remain upbeat and positive. HE snickered at the tom's comment. "That's funny coming from you Iorek." He grinned, "Though to be honest, I'm pretty tired of the heat." It was good to catch up with an old friend. The last time they had talked, Glen and Iorek had just become mates, that seemed like so long ago standing here and watching them now. They seemed like complete opposites. Glendower was sweet and delicate and always smiling, while Iorek was her grumpy, intimidating counter. If anyone could make that tom happy, it would be Glendower, but so help him, his promise still stood for Glen, If Iorek ever hurt her, he would snap. Though he was beginning to think he wouldn't be much of a threat.

His ears snapped at the tom's comment, inwardly cringing at the tom's tone. He had not actually heard the she-cat say anything, but he most certainly caught the anger in the leader's tone. "Let it go Iorek." He shifted uncomfortably on his paws, not wanting a conflict this early in the gathering. "Tensions are high right now, let's not start anything." Sairen hoped he wasn't sounding harsh, he just wanted to keep the peace, and a leader attacking a cat, or even the other way around, would sure lead to nothing but war.
"I hope it doesn't." he mewed, more to himself then the tom. He had never experience war or major conflict. A few border fights here and there, but nothing like this, nothing like now where he could feel the tension humming in the air. He said nothing when a blatant threat was lobbed in Cinna's direction, wanting to stay out of any conflicts that might arise from those two. He knew the east region had not parted from the north the same way the west had left the south. While terms had not been great, it most certainly had not been nearly as hostile, another reason the young leader was a bit frightened by the older leader. He had not been the target of the tom's anger, but he knew there was true fire behind those biting words.

Sairen smiled warmly as Glendower approached them, glad to have a change in conversation. "I'm doing alright, as well as any of us I suppose." he mewed, not wanting to weight the she-cat down with his troubles. "Oh we go way back." He chuckled to himself, his whiskers twitching with amusement as he thought back to the old days, before the weather had gone mad and the regions were at odds, which had only been a few months ago. Shame how that was now the 'good old days. "We met with I was still a searcher rookie, before I was even adviser." He decided to leave out the part where had kind of sort of made a deal with Glen that he could do to her region whenever he wanted to explore, and he had, if she could take a few herbs when she needed them, which she did. Not that the tom needed to know that.
Sairen smiled at them both, he could practically the excitement bubbling in the she-cat's eyes. "I will let you two talk." He decided, feeling a bit out of place in their intimate moment. He felt like he was intruding, and didn't want to be in the middle of this conversation. He was feeling very much third wheel as he smiled at them both. "Congrats again,"he purred, taking a step back to excuse himself. "We should talk again after the announcements." he nodded to them both, smiling again at Glendower. She would be a wonderful mother, the tom knew that for sure, she was so bright, so warm, Sairen was pretty sure if anyone could be a perfect mother, it was her.

HE stepped away from the pair, surveying the rest of the gathered cats. Tensions seemed to have listed some, he wasn't catching anymore glares in his direction but that didn't mean they weren't there. He caught sight of his cousin chatting with another cat and hoped everything was going well with him. The south region cats seemed to be doing well with the others, a let out a sigh of relief, something he didn't have to worry about. He had honestly feared fights would brake out, but nothing yet. His eyes glaceed through the crowd, hoping to spot the other leaders and have a chat with them as well. He wanted to keep things peaceful between them all.
Sairen shuffled in his seat, feeling like this was not a conversation he was supposed to be apart of. Now that he thought about it, Glendower had been glancing at her stomach, though the silver tom had thought it just a nervous habit. He glanced between the two cats, figuring it would be even more awkward if he left, so he staid put, his tail twitching nervously as he listened quietly to the exchange between the mates. Sairen kind of wished he had something like that, someone he could go back and forth with without actually being upset. That was probably a long ways away for the tom. He was young and stressed beyond belief, he didn't have time for something like that.

"congratulations!" he purred, beaming a bright smile at Glendower. He had known that she wanted kittens the last time they had spoken, and know she was having them. It would be hard, Sairen knew that, the weather had already put a strain on the regions, more mouths to feed would only make it harder. "To both of you I guess." He shot a smile at Iorek, hoping that would soften his icy redeemer and maybe brighten his mood. News about prey stealing had definitely gotten to the both of them, hopefully this would be a pleasant distraction and perhaps even bring good to the region. New life always had a way of making others happy. The south region had not felt that for sometime.
Sairen | South | Announcements

Sairen stood above the gathered cats, watching the way their hackles raised, watching each other with tense expressions, like they expected someone to jump on them any moment. The fight between the cats had caused the tom to act, he could not watch this happen any longer. He yowled over the gathered cats, his voice echoing over the trees and through the clearing, effectively silencing any protests as he stared down at the cats with his smoldering blue eyes.

“I am very ashamed of you.” He mewed, a deep set frown across his maw, though his voice did not reveal any anger. “We are all suffering and turning on each other is not going to make our situations any better.” He glanced briefly at Cronan before looking back at the cats bellow him. “West region, I know you are upset. You have lost your home, and now you have lost the one place you thought you were safe, and for that I am sorry. However, you should not blame the cats of the south, this was not there decision, it was mine, so if you must be angry, be angry with me.” I blinked down at them, his expression softening, “I am not claiming that my decision was right, I had wished I could offer the west more than I did, but as the situation has it, the south is suffering to, and our territory cannot support two regions.” The young tom hoped he could make them understand. “Cronan and I did not part on bad terms, I asked them to leave and Cronan complied. I know the East and North did not part on such easy terms, but I hope you could all understand. I have nothing against the West, and I hope the rest of you can see that.” He looked to the other leaders, hoping he had reached some part of them. He knew the East and North regions were very tense at the moment, and part of him hoped his speech was reaching them somewhere.

“There are only three cats that could possibly understand the decisions I have had to make, and they are all standing up here with me.” He made eye contact with each of the leaders in turn. “The only thing I ask, is that you trust our decisions and follow the rules we have set and refrain from arguing with each other. We are all in the same situation, which means we should all be able to understand what the cat next to us is going through.” He paused, letting his words sink in as he met the gazes of several of his region mates.

“As for the rumors of prey stealing,” He spoke sternly, but not harshly. “I am not speaking to any one, or any region, but I would like to address the situation to anyone who may be braking, or tempted to break the rules. By stealing for yourself, you are hurting another region. Prey is scares for everyone, and I can understand the draw of an easy meal, but please retrain yourselves. These times will pass, that I can guarantee, even if I don’t know when, but they will, and when they do, you do not want the guilt of stealing form another weighing you down. We have rules for a reason, and they are not meant to be broken. For those of you who are following the code, I thank you. You are being strong in tough times and I hope we can all live by these examples.” He let out a steady breath, glancing between the leaders and the gathered cats bellow them. “That is all.”
Zoriel looked up at his leader, watching the way his eyes shook fear into the region's hearts. He could practically smell it. They were dripping with it like heavy drops of wax collecting at their feet like puddles. HE may have been watching but not listening. This was the first Kaa would speak to them, but certainly not the last. He didn't need to hear some revenge plot, he was more interested in the faces. The eyes of those that dared to look at him and shiver away like they would catch fire by just watching him. But hey, they might. Electricity was a tricky element, a slip of the focus, and whoopies, some one is a chard husk of their former selves. Literally speaking of course, so when the mouthy she-cat he had shouldered past dared to hiss at him, well, things happen.

The tom turned, slowly, like ice cracks across a lake. You hear every crack like thunder, feel every vibration under foot before you are plunged into icy water only to be greeted by death as a newly formed cat-cicle. Only, in this excellently executed metaphor, Fortuna was the cat and Zoriel was the icy water. Simply the medium for her unfortunate demise. Shame he could not drown her for irony's sake. Perhaps the steam head could. Plausible for sure, something he suddenly wanted to test.

Poor thing. Kaa had said no killing. Of course, his sovereign leader had said nothing about serious injury or maiming. How unfortunate.

Something dark rumbled inside the tom, like a chuckle but the look never reached his eyes. The storm over head rumbled back to life, the darkened clouds seeming to thicken as they rolled over head like a black sea. Lightning arched between the clouds in an elaborate show, casting the cats bellow in a blinding golden light. It was clear by now he had been the one orchestrating the storm. Something so sudden could not possibly be natural. Zoriel was not much of a talker, so he didn't bother a lecture or an insult. No. He was on her before a breath could be taken to stop him. His massive paws reached for her with a blinding speed even fellow electrical elements would find hard to follow. His claws, all twenty six, unsheathed and ready to tear her to pieces. He was nearly twice her size and she little more than a kitten. She was a play thing. A scrap of skin and fur that wouldn't be enough to line his nest. She was either foolish enough to over estimate herself, or so stupid she underestimated him. Either one could get her killed. But not tonight, though if she happened to kick the bucket after he left, totally was not his fault. That would be weakness and incompetency. So not his fault. Kaa couldn't be mad at that. Of course not. He would be proud Zoriel could strike fear into their hearts. Sure his little light show was a sight, but lighting in the sky was nothing like lightning on the ground.
 Sairen blinked in the sudden darkness, sticking close to iorek as he was the closest to him. His ability stones blinked to life, soft golden light in circling him, though it did nothing the penetrate the inky blackness. The young Tom immediately looked to cinna, he hated to admit the leaders element scared him, the immense Power he held, but he was more than a little relieved to see the Tom as clueless as him. The silver tabby could practically taste the power in the air, this was not natural, a cat was creating this fog. A voiced drew his attention to Iorek, it took all of the young leader's strength to remain rooted in place. His hackles raised along his spine as he kept his mouth shut. He feared if he were to speak his voice would betray his fear. Instead he stuck close to the larger Tom, watching this black cat, kaa. He had never heard the name, never heard te rumor. However, he didn't need his next words to know he was in dangerous company. These were the followers. The real deal. The real darkness, real evil that plagued these lands. Sairen could practically feel his element shoving inside him, both drawn and repealed by the shear darkness in the air, but no matter how much he wished it, he simply was not strong enough to drive the dark away. This was where his distrust of dark element had come from. It had been fostered by the stories of these cats, and suddenly he felt sorry for ever doubting or fearing his region mates because of it. They were nothing like this.
 darkness encased the tom. He may have been the largest of the three, towering over the majority of the gathered cats, but he lagged behind. His heavy paw steps echoing like thunder over the hollowed ground as ability stones invaded around his paws sparked to life. Overhead, dark ominous clouds began to roll in adding to the ambiance if the fog as thunder growled low over head. The sound of a coming storm without the relief of rain. Lighting passed between the clouds, shining into bright gold of his eyes as the fog evaporated. His leader had made it to his destination. The fog may have left but an eerie darkness lingered in its place. The large tabby Tom shouldered past the irritatingly loud she cat who had been so rudely addressing her leaders. Not that he had any respect for them, no, it was the principle. He had half a mind to snap at her ears for good measure, but decided against it.  He had his orders and as much as it would have pleased him to pass a shock through all these retched cats, he with held. He sneered at any cat that may have looked at him, regarding the cats with complete indifference. He hated them all.
  zoriel regarded the Tom with an unfeeling scowl. He now had a small herd of tiny play things, but this one was much more irritating. For one,  it had bothered to speak to him, at him,  the direction was debatable, but either way the result was the same. He could see the Tom shaking in his pelt. He wasn't even that good looking. Zoriel preferred his toms thin, but more like 'agile assassin of the night' and less 'low fat chicken wing' which this Tom definitely fit under. Plus his pelt was the unholy color of mud and was must too scruffy to be anything less tan an eyesore. Plus the missing leg and unattractive scars were definitely landing him points in the negative.

After thoroughly scrutinizing every aspect of the Tom, all the while glaring darkly at him, zoriel's pelt sparked, giving off tinny fragments of fleeting light that were almost blinding amidst the stormy sky and bone chilling fog. Electricity arched between the stones on his neck and paws, creating a soft buzzing sound in the air that ruffled his fur in all the right ways. He had half a mind to strike the Tom down right there, if nothing more than the fact his intelligence was insulted, but of course, rules were rules, and these region half wits were getting on his last nerve. If kaa did get his freak show on the road soon, zoriel was pretty sure one of these region cats were going to end up crispier then his tail end was bound to be after kaa was finished punishing him for braking the one and only rule.  

So zoriel grit his teeth and bit his tongue. He would not indulge such mindless ninny wagers with there pointless words. Especially when they knew nothing about the storm that boiling just below the surface. Kaa hadn't even scratched it yet. Having made his decision to ignore them, zoriel made a show of passing between the two cats. He wanted the Tom to know he could not protect his precious little nest liner against someone like him. He shoved his aside with a brush of his shoulder. Sparks from his pelt passing to both cats. Nothing sinister, little more then static electricity from the crash of lightning, but it would ruffle there pelts enough for him to be satisfied until he could the real games started.
Zoriel had his paws on the she-cat, shoving her hard against the ground, pressing his entire weight against her as he used his claws. He couldn't kill her, and apparently maiming had been taken off the table, but he could give her a good scare. the striped tom wanted to haunt her nightmares from now until the day she died. He snarled, his jaws inching closer to his face when something nudged him. Scratch that. Someonenudged him, attempting to throw him off. An even tinier play thing. How amusing. Her stark white fur stood out against the lingering fog and ominous black clouds gurgling above. His bright golden eyes narrowed, glowing faintly of his element as another crack of lightning tumbled over head followed by a dull roar of thunder. He could feel his electricity co-mingling with another, strange, someone seemed to have wanted to join in on his light show, not that minded, all the more to strike with. He almost let the thought distract him, almost.

it was almost an after thought, the way a cat moved their paw without thinking, it simply happened. Lightning tore through the sky, like an extension of his claws the electricity brought down from the clouds struck the ground between them with a loud BOOM and CRASH. No one was hit. When he was feeling this wound up, he could kill without meaning to. Zoriel would not risk Kaa's wrath on a puny wimp like this on. He would save them both for later. No neither of them had been struck, but a black spot had been burned into the grass where it had landed. Electricity hummed in the hair, feeding the large tom's high as he felt the static electricity sparking of his pelt. He could see the fear of the surrounding cats. HE wanted them to know he was dangerous. Just as dangerous at the cat standing on the rocks, and just as dangerous as the one hiding in the mist. He just knew when to shut his mouth. He wasn't doing this for revenge. Okay, maybe a little revenge, but that wasn't the point. This was fun. Sparks and fire starting was fun.

The clouds rumbled in the blackness over head and reverberating inside him. He could feel the thunder in his heart, shaking his rib-cage and egging him on. He wanted more, he wanted to send a charging bull into the crowd, but rules are rules, and he would have his turn.

The dark tom ear's perked, hearing his named being called from the leader's rocker. Kaa had apparently spotted the large raging bull of lighting galloping valiantly over the heads of the region morons and was less than impress. Honestly, the tom was a lot less concerned then he probably should have been, still buzzing from the use of such a powerful spell, practically drunk off the static still hanging in the air. He let the bull take one more round around the cat's ears, watching as it singed the edges of the trees before disappearing in a loud thundering boom. The storm overhead settled some, flashing a few bolts of lighting every few seconds, lighting up the darkness of the clouds. Well, he was probably getting a lecture afterwards. He frowned watching the cats around him shifting anxiously. The mouthy one had run off, spouting her nonsense up at Kaa and the other leaders like an annoying door to door sales men. Zoriel was not all that concerned. If Kaa wanted her quiet, Kaa would keep her quiet one way or another, and chances are the experience would be less than enjoyable for her.

The tom was about to stalk off towards the leader's rock to at least hear part of his dictator's speech when a large rock jutted out of the ground near him, not exactly subtle. He glanced up, watching low fat chicken wing touch down on the rock before aiming directly at him. Without a second thought, Zoriel rose up on his hind legs like a magnificent bear ready to pull a trout from the water on the discovery channel. His forelegs extended reaching out with his massive paws and unsheathed claws, ready to pluck low fat chicken wing right out of the sky. Out of the corner of his eye, the tom could see the she-cat a few paces back tensing, like she was ready to fight speaking words he couldn't hear and didn't care to. His eyes met the tom's mid air, ready for the shift in weight and prepared to have him pinned in a few heart beats. The tom had foolishly shown Zoriel his element. He may have had some sort of edge on the tom if he had waited, but again, a small cliff jutting out in front front of his face was a bit like asking for permission before clawing someone's ears off. He was prepared and he could counter. It wasn't like Zoriel had never fought an earth element before, he knew elemental wise, the low fat chicken wing had the advantage, but size wise, combat wise, experience wise, Zoriel was leagues ahead of this kitten.

Having walked into a crowd of gathered cats a literally starting all chaos imaginable, the tom had fully expected mob mentality to take over. Meaning, he fully expected these idiots to take him on more than just one on one, surprisingly, they hadn't attempted that yet. Silly honor. Initiation into the followers meant being mauled by a large group of cats and fighting your way out. He knew how to handle at least these skinny idiots, and even if they did get out of hand, a few well aimed lightning strikes would push them back. He was ready for them. Zoriel was more than prepared to be the loving force to shove these light weights back in their place.

The silver tabby frowned at the tom's attempt to frighten him. While he was afraid, he was not a kitten, Sairen was leader of the south and he would not stand for such mocking. HE listened to the dark tom tell his piece, watching the cats below as they all stared up at them like the leaders had any answers. Another tom far below seemed to be causing trouble with a few of the region cats, the storm only growing larger overhead until a massive bull reigned down from the sky charging over the region cat's ears. If there goal had been to terrify the masses, they had succeeded. The scent of fear hung thickly in the air, the young leader could have chocked on it. The dark mist bellow swallowed up the faces of his region mates, he feared for them more then he feared for himself.

Cinna spoke, and while he had not known the leader well, he was glad to be standing by him. HE seemed unshaken by the events taking place, unphased as he spoke in an even tone and he himself felt invigorated by the speech. Sairen wanted to be that light that chased away the shadows, and to do that, he would need to better himself. That moment, the silver tom resigned himself never to be afraid of these cats again. He had had his moment, he had let himself quiver once, but never again, not for them. His eyes narrowed towards the tom, taking a shaky breath to steady himself as he straightened beside the other leaders. He would not be the weak link. Sairen would not allow it. The stones around his neck flickered to life once more, illuminating a small circle around the four leaders. It certainly would not be enough to chase away the darkness eating at their region mates, or the fog swallowing the noise, but he could at least be something for his region to look for.

The smaller tom stepped up beside the older leaders, not taking his glowing eyes from the dark tom. He probably was not much to be afraid of, but unity was what the region's needed, and Sairen would stand beside the other leaders as if they were brothers in arms. He would fight with them is if came to it.

"You may have more of your hunters lurking in the shadows, but tonight, Kaa, you are outnumbered." the lights around his neck intensified as he spoke, as he resigned himself to stare into those eyes and never flinch.

 zoriel's little rat pack had yet another plus one, and by The Lord name himself they were a chatty bunch. Did every region cat have to give a speech on morals? How these meetings didn't last until next Tuesday the Tom had no idea. These morons all seemed like chatty kathies and here he was face to face with a good half dozen. He had yet to say a word to any of them one way or another, but they had plenty to shout about him. Interestingly enough they had been at each others necks not ten minutes ago, but now they seemed to be more or less united against a common cause. Him. Which meant they all had fear of a common enemy. Also him. It felt good to be feared, almost as good as the buzz he got from lightning strikes.

The clouds rolled over head. The storm turning and twisting in seas of black and grey. The light show kicked up, lightning arching quickly between the clouds, thunder couldn't keep up, simply resigned to a dull roar like a growling lion. Static electricity hummed through the air. Even the average region moron could feel it now. It wheezed in the air they breathed, lifting the ends of his fur as it buzzed through fur, sparking in his eyes as the clouds over head became to spin. They curved inward like a tunnel reaching up into the dark skies.

"I will show you a nightmare. " his voiced echoed low over the quiet clearing, punctuated by the growing storm an flashes of lightning that now acted as an almost constant flickering light source.

The storm broke, the tunnel caving in on itself as a solid for of electricity began to show itself from the blackness. A horn, a massive horn the size of a full grown cat illuminated the darkness, quickly joined by another and then the beast charged down to the earth, a massive bull made of strings of lightning buzzing together descending upon the gathered cats, bending the trees back as it swooped over the ears of the regions, buzzing their whiskers as it passed from one end of the clearing to the other. Hooves thundering on an invisible path as it passed over head, horns arched over the trees as it turned to make another round.

Following Iorek's lead, Sairen looked down at his cats. The fog was retreating, and the storm was already fading. the young leader spotted stars behind the grey clouds as the thunder muted and lightning disappeared all together. They seemed to be leaving and their calling cards with them. From his perch, the tom could see the panic pulsing through everyone of them. Someone had fainted, who, Sairen could be sure, but he could see a small gathering of cats collecting around them, none of which were his, so he shoved the matter out of his mind for now. Overall, everyone seemed intact. That was all he could hope for. The young leader had gone cold, he wasn't feeling much of anything right other than an overwhelming sense to do something. The north leader was already beginning to call away his cats.

The young tom cleared his throat, "South region," his voice echoed over the sounds of panic, surprisingly steady. "Gather together, we will be leaving. Make sure everyone is together." HE was already climbing down the smooth stones, his claws scraping loudly against the rock as he slid down as fast as gravity would allow. He hit the ground, looking through the crowd and mentally going through a checklist of everyone he could see. The circle of light around him beamed bright now with the fading of the fog. HE stood like a beacon of light for his region, wanting to get away from this place and back to camp. He needed to make sure everyone back home was alright.

 Zoriel's claws met flesh, scratching the tom's by complete accident. The low fat chicken wing hadn't even the strength to leap the full distance between them, even with his little elevated rock platform.  Proof to why the regions were foolish little playthings that couldn't even fight a real battle. He sneered, just as motion caught the corner of his eye. The little she-cat had used her pathetic nature power, one of the useless ones in the tom's opinion, and shot a root in his direction. Thanks to the tom's utter failure at some sort of revenge pounce, Zoriel managed to step back quickly enough to avoid it all together, letting it fall back to the ground with a solid 'thud'. His eyes narrowed at the pale pelted thing shouting words he didn't hear and didn't care to, only to find three-legged chicken wing darting towards her. He had half a mind to snap a bolt in their direction, but Kaa was shouting something-rather again as the region leaders were telling him to leave.

Zoriel was more than surprised to see the tom comply, in his sassy, irritatingly 'must have the last word to everything' sort of way. Regardless what the tom thought, his leader had signaled them to leave. the black tom was already descending to the ground with the rest of the gathered cat as the fog around them thickened, circling very specifically around the large tom. Zoriel took the hint and retreated, turning his back to the bickering kittens as the fog circled around him. The coolness of the moister, once irritating as it chilled him to the bone, felt nice against his buzzing fur, heated from the lightning. As he ventured further into the fog, the storm over head died down, the blackness slowly lifting, revealing the bright moon and stars twinkling over head like nothing happened.

His ears caught the sound of familiar voices, Thaddeus and Emil. They seemed to have hung back, Emil being his usual useless self. At least the steam head had used the fog, probably for some diabolical plan in the not so distant future. Chances are he probably had already chosen his victim. "Didn't know you were here Emil." he brushed passed the pair, waiting for their sovereign dictator to join them.
word count :6222
Gems: 622
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